Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hey. Who Turned Out The Lights?

Yep. I tried it. Emphasis on "tried." Kayley was wide awake again for me tonight. Rather than fight her through the whole feeding, I decided to put a hat on her head and pull it down over her eyes. I guess Kayley and I weren't on the same page because boy did she get mad when I did it. So, Kayley won again (can you believe she's undefeated?) and I fed her with her eyes wide open checking out the world. I did pull another little trick though. I butted the chair right up to the her bed so she faced the bed. That way she wouldn't have much to look at. And, it worked. She ate very the beginning. She started out like she was going to finish the bottle. Then, she started getting squirmy. It was burp time. Normally, I can get some good burps out of her, but not tonight. I spent most of our 1/2 hour trying to get her to burp. In the end, she only took 30 cc's from me. But, that 30 cc's was within the first 10 minutes.

In any case, Grandma Marla got the honors of feeding Kayley a whole feeding today. She fed Kayley her 6 pm feeding and the report came back that Kayley took the full 60 cc's. Great job Kayley and Grandma!

For Kayley's other feedings, she took 45 cc's each. Those totals were at her 9 am, noon, and 3 pm feedings. She's really been picking up the consistency lately.

As expected, Kayley's weight went down quite a bit tonight. She weighed in at 3335 grams (7 lbs 5 oz). That's down 105 grams from last night. Even factoring in the huge weight loss tonight, she still gained a total of 50 grams the last two nights combined. So, we can't complain about that.

The doctor stopped by Kayley's room today while Megan was there. They discussed the apnea Kayley had yesterday. He was not worried at all about it since Kayley's heart rate stayed up. He even classified it as maybe just very small breaths during that time and not really apnea. We were pleased to hear that news. He also mentioned that yesterday Kayley took 70% of her feedings through the bottle. That's a great total and was probably surpassed today. With those results, he said they will probably take the feeding tube out within a couple days to see how Kayley does when she only takes feedings from the bottle. And, if she passes that test, you know what that means. We'll get to take Kayley home! But, we're not jumping ahead of ourselves. Kayley is still the boss and still has to climb the rest of the mountain. For all we know, it could be a long way yet. So, we'll continue to hope for the best and encourage Kayley to eat well.

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