Monday, July 28, 2008

Big Brother

We don't have any updates for Kayley today. It was a day of rest for her. I don't even have her new weight because the nurse hasn't weighed her yet tonight.

The only happenings were that big brother Drew stopped in for a visit. It was the first time he's seen Kayley since she's been out of the isolette. He's a pro at saying her name. We just don't think he understands how much his world is going to change once we get her home...and moved into HIS room. So anyway, when I got up this morning, Drew grabbed my phone and opened it. He looked at it and said, "Kayley!" He saw the picture I have of her in there and recognized her. Marla has shown him photos and I show him the pictures on this blog from time to time, but I was very impressed that he recognized her. So that was it. I floated the idea by Megan and Marla about bringing Drew in for a visit. We all agreed that it would be a good time.

Megan and Marla left for the hospital early in the morning. I brought Drew in after a nice long nap and some lunch. As you can see from the photos and the video, Drew got up close and personal.

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