Friday was a big day in our house - Kayley started Kindergarten and Drew started First Grade. And this mama was nervous! First day of Kindergarten didn't start off well for Drew (lots of tears - him and then me!) and I was a little worried about a repeat performance from him and a similar one from Kayley.
We have been debating for over a year whether we should send Kayley to Kindergarten. She is old enough to go only because she was premature. If she had been full term, she would not be eligible for Kindergarten until next year. After talking to almost everyone possible and getting nothing but encouragement to send her, we signed her up. We have second guessed ourselves on more than one occasion, most recently the day before school started when Kayley had an epic tantrum in the middle of a store and ran off. She certainly doesn't lack for personality. I think we will definitely notice that she is not as mature as the older kids in her class, but I am hopeful that gap will get smaller as the year goes on.
Academically, I think she is ready. She recognizes all of her letters and can write most of them correctly (she has a tendency to write a few letters backwards). She recognizes most numbers up to 30. She is learning to write her numbers up to 30 and is getting better. She is able to read some of the beginning reader books (e.g., Sam sat. Mat sat. Sam sat on Mat). The books are terribly boring, but it is so exciting to watch her learn to read! We haven't seen any signs of a learning disability yet, but we were told that wouldn't show up until at least first grade so that will be on our radar for awhile.
I really hope we made the right decision and if Friday is any indication, we did! She was excited to go to school Friday morning (despite the fact that Thursday night she told me she decided she didn't feel like going to Kindergarten anymore) and got right on the bus when it came. No tears at all! She did come back and give me an extra hug, but had a big smile on her face the whole time. Let's hope the novelty doesn't wear off too quickly and she is still excited to get on the bus on Monday!
Drew did great as well. He loved Kindergarten last year so we knew he would love First Grade, but I wasn't sure how the bus would go on the first day. He doesn't like change and if you get him out of his routine at all, he gets nervous and shy. I am not sure if it is because he is another year older or if he knew he had to be a big brother for Kayley, but he didn't have any issues with his first day either. It was probably a little of both.
They were very excited when they got off the bus Friday afternoon. Kayley's favorite part of the day - riding the bus! She also liked recess and lunch. I'm sure she loved the learning party as well. :-) Drew is realizing he is going to have a lot more homework than Kayley and he doesn't think it is fair. I laughed and said, "you know what, Drew?" And then he said, "I know, Mom. You always say life isn't fair." And then he added, "but it isn't fair." :-)
As If I Needed Another Sign
1 week ago
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