Andy was in Chicago all week for work so it was just me and the kids at home. And it was just my luck that I had two early morning meetings this week. That made for two very early mornings for us! It is a lot of work to get two kids up, dressed, fed, and to daycare in time to get to work for a 7:30am meeting. At least it is for me. Two parents in the morning makes that task much easier! Drew and Kayley were great about it though and enjoyed getting to eat their cereal out of a baggie on the way to school. I felt like a terrible mom, but they thought it was fun.
We ate dinner outside on the deck on Wednesday night. Drew was standing on the chair trying to open the umbrella when I was bringing out the rest of the food. I asked him to sit down before he knocked over his milk. Three seconds later, he spilled his full glass of milk. Drew, being the neat freak he is, wanted me to clean it up ASAP, but I told him I was just going to hose it down when we were done eating. What was I thinking saying that?! Drew LOVES to water anything with the garden hose so he quickly volunteered to clean up his own mess. I think we will see a lot more glasses of spilled milk in our future.
Drew cleaning up his spilled milk |
Kayley trying to save her cookies from getting wet |
We played some baseball while Dad was gone. The first two are of Drew hitting and the last one is Kayley hitting and Drew coaching her!
We had one minor accident this week. Drew opened the door to go into the garage one morning and Sox ran after him. I took Sox back into the house and realized I forgot her collar for the invisible fence so I put that on her. I was in the house for less than a minute. When I walked back into the garage, Drew was in the back of my vehicle standing by his seat with his door shut. Kayley's door was open. I couldn't see her, but she was crying. It took a few seconds to realize that she was around the vehicle with her finger shut in Drew's door. Drew opened the door to get her finger out and I picked her up. I scolded Drew for shutting her finger in the car. (I assumed that she came around to his side and wanted to climb in on his side, but he didn't want her to so he quickly pulled the door shut.) He immediately got upset and said he didn't do it. I took Kayley upstairs to clean her finger and get a bandaid. While we were up there, through the tears, she said, "I did it myself." What? "I wanted to shut Drew's door." Oh. Crap. We walked back down to the kitchen and out to the garage. Drew was sitting on the steps. He looked up at me with very sad looking eyes and told me again that he didn't do it. I felt terrible! I told him I knew he didn't do it and that Kayley said she did it. Stellar morning. Kayley slammed her own finger in the car door, which was awful and to make it even worse, I blamed Drew without actually knowing what happened. What is the saying about making assumptions? Yeah, lesson learned.
Here are a few more pictures from the week so far:
Drew showing off the hat he got
on his school fieldtrip |
Kayley modeling an outfit she put together all on her own |
Kayley showing how quickly her mood changes:
Drew grilling us some dinner |
Such cute ages! Thank you for sharing these moments.