This past week brought many new changes to our house. First, Kayley started Pre-K on Monday.
She was very excited to go and didn't complain about the fact that Drew was staying home with me and Ryan while she went to school. Andy said she cried when he dropped her off though. New room and new teachers was a big change for her. She did great the rest of the week though. She tells anyone she meets that she is in Pre-K!
Tuesday brought Ryan's first cold. Kayley had a cold the week before when we were on vacation so we knew it could happen and it did.
Drew and Kayley didn't get their first colds until after they were two so this was a new experience for us. I guess that is the difference between having your kids stay home all day and sending them to daycare/preschool! Poor Ryan is going to get everything this year. Luckily, it wasn't too bad. He has stopped coughing and now is only a little stuffed up.
Wednesday was Drew's first day of Kindergarten! I can't believe I have a Kindergartener!
The transition to Kindergarten has been a little rough for Drew. He was excited, but definitely nervous about going at the same time. Andy and I walked him down towards the bus stop when our neighbors stopped us to tell us the bus will come down our street to pick him up. I told them the bus schedule said he was supposed to go down the street to the bus stop. They assured us the bus would be coming to us so we stopped and talked with them and their kids in their driveway. Well, next thing we knew, the bus arrived at the bus stop and then turned down our street the other way. Ahh! So, I ended up taking Drew to school on his first day. It was no big deal for me to take him, I just wanted him to get used to riding on the bus. When we got to school, I took him down where the buses unload so he could walk in with the kids on the bus like he will do every day. He was less than willing to go into the building so I had to kind of drag him in. I dropped him off with the first teacher I saw and left. I felt so bad for him that I was starting to tear up so I knew I needed to get out of there before he saw me and I know from daycare that a quick exit is best.
Wednesday was just a half day so Mom, Ryan and I picked Drew up at 11:15am and took him to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch. He was beaming when he walked out of school and told me he loved it. I told him I was proud of him. He said he stopped crying when he was in the gym (they go into the gym before they go to their class) so that was good. Then he told me he would probably cry again on Thursday because he was going to have to ride the bus and go all day and he didn't know what those things would be like! Oh Drew! We assured him that he probably wasn't the only kid that cried and he said he was. Break my heart!
Thursday was Drew's first day on the bus so Andy and I walked him down to the bus stop. Halfway there Drew stopped and started crying a little. My heart sank and I could feel the tears starting for me. Andy just pulled him along and we continued walking. Then the three mothers that were at the bus stop with their children looked back and gave us the "we feel so sorry for you" look and that was it for me. Right then the tears really started for me (wonder where Drew gets it) and I whispered to Andy that I couldn't do it and he whispered back to get out of there. I abruptly stopped and bent down and gave Drew a kiss on the forehead and told him to have a good day. Horrible parent right here who can't stay strong! I just felt so bad for him because he was so nervous about getting on the bus. I am absolutely positive he will love kindergarten once he gets into the routine. I just feel bad for him that it takes awhile for him to get used to something new.
Drew got right on the bus when it came and told us later that he wasn't crying anymore when they got to school. He is only on the bus for about 8 minutes so that was good to hear. He did say he also cried a little at lunch because he wanted his mom and grandma. He only managed to eat a bite of hot dog, but was able to eat all of his cookie! When we asked about his day, he told us about the fun things they did and he clearly loves his teacher so that is a great sign.
Thursday was also my first day back to work. Mom is here to watch Ryan for awhile so it wasn't so bad leaving and I was honestly way more worried about Drew in Kindergarten than I was about Ryan. I knew Ryan was just fine!
Andy had an early morning meeting on Friday so it was just me to get Drew on the bus. I knew I had to be strong this time! And I was. Drew said he didn't want to ride the bus, but we went outside and walked across the street (the other mothers in the neighborhood got the bus driver to agree to come down our street and pick the kids up in front of our house) and waited with our neighbor and her son. Drew cried a little, but when the bus came I gently pushed him on (no tears from me). He told me later that he cried until the next bus stop and then stopped. Progress!
And finally, the last "first" from this week is that Ryan is now sitting in his Bumbo seat (yes, I know about the recall and we are waiting for our attachment to come to fix it). He LOVES it!
It was a busy week with many changes. I am hoping for a little calmer week next week. One can always hope!
As If I Needed Another Sign
1 week ago