We had a great Easter weekend! I am sad it is over and we have to go back to work tomorrow. Three day weekends are wonderful!
We colored Easter eggs on Friday afternoon. Andy and Drew liked to color half the egg one color and the other half another color. Kayley was more into putting each egg into multiple colors so she and I had some interesting combinations. After they colored the eggs, Kayley decorated hers with stickers and jewels while Drew colored on his. They each colored 19 eggs and begged me to buy more eggs on Saturday to do it again.
We didn't color more eggs on Saturday, but Andy did hide all of the eggs outside for the kids so they could go on a hunt for eggs before the real thing on Sunday. Drew was the one that really wanted to do this. He had Andy hide the eggs outside and then when they came in, he had Andy hide them in the house again. :-)
They had a lot of fun hunting for eggs this morning. I was a little worried Kayley would be left behind and wouldn't get many eggs, but she held her own and they amazed us with how nice they were to each other. Drew gave any "girl color" eggs to Kayley and Kayley gave him the "boy color" ones she found. (They fought later over a long lost toy we found in a drawer). When they got done going through all of their candy, Drew hid all of his empty eggs for Andy to find and Kayley hid hers for me to find. Then, Drew asked Andy to hide the empty eggs so he could find them again. He was really into it this year!
Here is a few minutes of their hunt this morning:
After opening the eggs, Drew decided to organize his (truly my child!) and Kayley attempted to organize and count hers! She is a generous counter:
Some pictures from the weekend:
This is going to be fun, Mom! |
Hard at work |
Dad showing Kayley how to do half and half |
It is taking too long. Kayley's mad face. |
Princess stickers! |
Still hard at work |
All finished! |
Look at my basket! |
The fun part! |
Time to organize |
Looks like they had a great time! Thanks for the videos, Andy and Megan. Loved them.