Where does the time go? So much has happened since Andy's last post in 2009! I've decided to start the blog back up again for our family and friends who want to keep track of the kids. Andy wants me to make it clear that I am blogging and not him - I think he thinks I won't be as witty as he thinks he is and he doesn't want me to give him a bad name! :-)
Little Miss is coming up on her 3rd birthday! Wow, that went fast! She has come such a long way since her NICU and her feeding aversion days! Long gone are the days of refusing to eat! There are very few things she won't eat now. Everything should be eaten with ranch and ketchup, preferably mixed together. A few of her stranger loves are blue cheese dressing, lima beans, and braunschweiger (who doesn't love braunschweiger though?!). This cannot be the child that came so close to a G-tube (feeding tube in her stomach) because she refused to drink her bottle!
Kayley can be the sweetest little girl. She LOVES to take care of her babies. She is always telling them she loves them and patting their backs. She loves to cuddle and give hugs. She also loves all animals, especially dogs - she squeals with delight whenever she sees a dog. She is happy as can be . . . as long as she is getting her way.
The rest of the time she is a sassy, independent, mischievous little girl. And so stubborn - just like Daddy! :-) She loves to test us every chance she gets. You ask her to do something, she gives you a little smirk and tells you no. If you tell her again, she gets a little louder and a more forceful "no" comes out. Perhaps a little of that came from me (according to my parents anyway). She holds her own fighting with Drew and is usually the aggressor in every fight with him. Luckily, she is still shy at daycare and doesn't give them any behavior problems. Yet.
Healthwise, she is doing great. She still has some reflux, but it doesn't seem to bother her too much. Her coordination is improving. She used to fall while running and run into things, but she has really improved. We put her in gymnastics a few months ago to help her balance. She certainly has lots of confidence. She will try anything and is so proud when she attempts a new move, whether she gets it right or not!
We did have a rough winter as it was the kids' first winter in daycare. I think they both got everything a few times. On the bright side, they are building up their immunity!
Developmentally, her daycare teachers say she is right on track. Learning disabilities were the last major unknown for her and still are. So far, she seems to be doing well, but time will tell. She knows all of the main colors, but sometimes she calls something green that is red. We are still working on a few of her shapes too, but overall she is doing very well. She would sit and read books with you all day if you are willing. Her vocabulary seems to be one of her stronger areas and I think the reading has had a lot to do with that.
Next time I post, I'll give an update of our monster truck loving boy, Drew!
You will never know HOW happy I am that this blog is back up and running! I just discovered that you posted something! I hope Kayley's Phoenix nurses soon find out that you are posting again.