Our 4th of July holiday didn't exactly go as planned, but we managed to get through it. The "fun" started the Saturday before. Kayley and I decided to have a girls day and we went to the nail salon. This is only the second time she has gone so she had a great time.
We went home and she took her nap. She took a longer than normal nap, which is always a bad sign for her. Sure enough, she came downstairs with a sore throat and a fever. As soon as the motrin kicked in, she acted fine and she and Drew played downstairs in the basement while Andy and Mitch worked to finish the ceiling. She still had a fever on Sunday, but as long as her medicine was working, she felt fine. Because she had the fever on Sunday, she was going to have to stay home from preschool on Monday, but she seemed to be getting better.
That changed Monday morning. She came into our room at 6am and said she didn't feel well. I pulled her into bed with us. Less than 10 minutes later we had throw up all over our bed. She does not like throwing up (who does though). Considering I had had maybe 3 hours of sleep at this point, this was especially devastating to me too! This continued every hour for a little over 24 hours. Poor Kayley was miserable and Andy and I were exhausted cleaning up after her (she is still young enough that she doesn't fully understand the concept of getting to the bathroom or throwing up in a garbage can so there was lots of cleaning up to be done during the night). She started feeling better right before my parents got here on Tuesday. That was just in time for Drew to come home early from preschool because he wasn't feeling well. Luckily, he only got the sore throat and fever for several days. I got it on Thursday. Hopefully, that will be it for our family for the summer!
Even with all the sickness, we still had fun. Mom, Dad and Matt came to visit. I was paranoid Dad was going to get sick. He had knee surgery scheduled for the following Tuesday and I didn't want our family to be the reason he couldn't have his surgery, but he didn't catch it so that was a relief. After taking some motrin, Drew felt well enough on Wednesday night to go watch the fireworks. Andy, Mom, Matt, Drew and Kayley drove downtown at the last minute and just watched the fireworks from the back of the car in Andy's parking lot at work. The weather was ridiculous so I stayed home with Ryan and Dad kept us company. I think the fireworks show was better last year when we parked downtown and sat with all the other people, but what they did this year was probably for the best so the kids weren't gone too long and so they didn't infect everyone else!
Drew had another tee ball game while everyone was here. I missed it because Ryan and I went to Iowa City for my friend's baby shower, but Mom took some good pictures. It is amazing how much improvement they have in just a few weeks. They actually kind of know where to run when they hit the ball and know where to throw the ball. Andy's brother Mitch taught Drew how to slide so now he slides in every game. And he now insists on wearing batting gloves!