My birthday was last weekend and Ryan sang happy birthday to me...kind of. He sang, "Happy birthday to Matt. Happy birthday to Matt. Happy birthday to Matt." We started laughing and told him to sing Happy birthday to Mom. He started laughing and then sang, "Happy birthday to Matt" some more. Stinker. Matt's birthday was a few weeks ago and apparently Ryan hasn't moved past singing happy birthday to him!
We had a busy weekend last week. Drew had a flag football game last Saturday morning and then I took Drew and Kayley to a fall festival with some friends in the afternoon. It was crazy busy, but the kids had fun. It is good the kids had fun because the rides cost a small fortune.
I took all three kids to Tanner's Orchard on Sunday afternoon. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time. By the time we left, the line into the store was short (it is usually ridiculous) so we went in and bought apples, a mini pumpkin pie, apple cider donuts and some caramel popcorn.
The kids are busy with school. Drew is reading chapter books and is reading a new series he really likes so it isn't hard to get him to do his reading, which makes it easy on us! Kayley is working really hard on reading and math. She has come a long way with her reading in just the first month of school. She is also working on writing her letters and numbers. Her handwriting isn't exactly where her teacher wants it so we need to spend some more time on that. She has had a pretty good attitude about all the extra time we spend on things, but she has her moments! I am really proud of how hard she is working though. Ryan is having fun at daycare and even though he can be handful, his teacher loves him. He is a little naughtier than the other two ever were at daycare. One of his notes last week that said he forgot his listening ears and he had ants in his pants. I am not surprised.
As If I Needed Another Sign
1 week ago