It was back to school this week for Drew and Kayley. First and second grade already. How did that happen?! I feel like I was just changing both of their diapers! I am so glad I still have my baby, Ryan, to keep me feeling young! Of course, he is in the Twos room this year so he is not so much a baby anymore.
While Drew was really excited to go back, Kayley wasn't quite done with summer yet! Both kids really enjoyed meeting their teachers during the open house the night before school started so that was a relief.
Kayley's desk |
They were excited when we got them up and got right out of bed. If only that would continue! Kayley even insisted on helping to make her lunch after reading the book, "The Night Before First Grade" where the main character made lunch for her first day of first grade. I need to find more of those books!
Kindergarten and first graders have to wear name tags on the first day. Kayley was NOT happy about that. She clearly felt she was too old to need a name tag and told me repeatedly she knew where she was going and wouldn't get lost. We went back and forth all morning and all I can say is it was on when she got on the bus!
They both had a great first day and are excited to go back tomorrow. Let's hope they jump out of bed as enthusiastically as they did on the first day...
We also had another milestone this weekend. Kayley learned to ride her bike without training wheels! We asked her at the beginning of the summer and she was not interested and we didn't want to push it. We got busy with t-ball and baseball and she was perfectly happy riding her bike with the training wheels. Andy mentioned it yesterday and she surprised us by saying yes. I am not sure if she was just bored or if being a first grader made her decide now was the time, but off they went.
It wasn't all easy. She was pretty scared so she was pedaling as fast as she could. Andy got a workout! I think she felt too wobbly if she was going slower. I took her out this afternoon and she did great. We aren't quite ready to go down the sidewalk yet, but she is catching on quickly. Now it is time to buy her a bigger bike!