We have been enjoying some unusually nice weather lately and we have been loving it! We spent a lot of time outside last week. It is back to cold weather today, but should be in the 50s tomorrow!
Kayley had her school music program last week. She had a lot of fun and we enjoyed watching the 2nd and 3rd graders sing. Kayley enjoys the music program a little more than Drew so it was fun to see her so excited. You can't see her very well, but she is next to the girl in the white t-shirt on the second riser.
Drew had his last basketball game last weekend and it was probably his best game of the year so it was a great way to end the season.
The kids are very excited to be in swimming lessons. We found them a great teacher, but lessons are on Tuesdays and it is about a 25 minute drive from our house so we are usually pressed getting there. I asked Kayley to help me out this week and get Ryan's swim bag ready. She forgot shorts for him to wear home (yes, warm enough for shorts!). So, he had to wear his underwear home! We wrapped him in a towel to get out to the car and he took it like a champ. :-)
As If I Needed Another Sign
1 week ago