Friday, July 24, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Catching Up
Well, it's been a while since I've posted. Luckily there isn't a whole lot to catch up on.
We celebrated Kayley's 1st birthday on June 9, 2009 (see videos). Grandma Marla made her some vegan cupcakes for the occasion. Since Kayley can't have milk protein, we were at a loss for what to give Kayley for a cake. Luckily, Megan has a friend that had the vegan cupcake recipe to share. And Kayley loved them.
Kayley last weighed in officially at her 1 year year check up on June 10. She was 18 lbs 3 oz. Again, that's not the greatest but it really doesn't seem to matter as much anymore. As long as she's eating, developing, and growing, everyone seems to be happy. Like I said above, we are limited as to what we can give Kayley because she has a milk protein allergy. Megan has spent a lot of time at Whole Foods in the vegan aisle. Luckily, the doctor approved of us giving Kayley peanut butter, strawberries, and some other things we couldn't before. So hopefully, those will provide a lot of extra calories.
While we were at the check up, the doctor noticed some dark spots on Kayley's teeth. A lot of times preemies are born with little or no tooth enamel on their baby teeth so it is extra important to take care of them. Since there were already spots, off to the dentist we went. The dentist thought Kayley's teeth looked good. She has less enamel than normal but she's seen way worse. We just need to stay ahead of it and brush Kayley's teeth a lot...her favorite. And it turns out, the dark spots were from the iron vitamin we gave Kayley. We don't give it to her any more so the spots are actually fading.
Next, Kayley took her 2nd plane ride. We went to Colorado for a family reunion on Megan's side. Kayley wasn't exactly an angel on the plane but we got through it. Megan was a little worried about the altitude's effect on Kayley's lungs (I wasn't so much), but luckily there were no issues.
I've posted 2 videos from Kayley's birthday. I have some other footage that I plan to post but didn't get it edited before press time. So, look for those in the future...