Drew had a 6 day break from baseball so we made the most of it and went to my parent's farm to celebrate my Dad's, Ryan's and Kayley's birthdays (all within 5 days of each other). Andy is working on a big project at work, which means he can't take much vacation until it is finished in August so he had to stay home. Talk about terrible timing to not be able to take any vacation!
We got to the farm a little before 9:30pm Wednesday night. The kids were wound up and a certain little boy had trouble calming down and going to bed.
The kids had a picnic and played outside most of the day on Thursday. I drove to Waukee to meet one of my best friends from college, Brooke, for lunch. We had a great time catching up!
The kids, mom and I drove to Huxley on Friday morning to see one of my best friends from high school, Sarah, and her kids. It was so fun to catch up with her, see her new home and let the kids play. Seeing Brooke and Sarah definitely made me wish we lived just a little closer!
Matt got to the farm just as we were getting home from Huxley. The kids were excited to see him. Well, Drew and Kayley were. Ryan was a little unsure at first. He hasn't seen Matt since Christmas and I guess that was just long enough to be a little shy. He warmed up quickly though. We played outside all afternoon.
For Dad's birthday on Friday, we grilled and then had a bonfire. Matt roasted marshmallows so the kids could have s'mores. It was Ryan's first time and he is a fan!
Showing off his farm "work" gloves |
Happy Birthday, Grandpa! |
Ryan decided Matt is pretty cool after all |
Ryan was a little excited when he went to bed because he knew when he woke up he would be 3. This picture was well after 10pm...he had trouble falling asleep again!
Ryan woke up very happy on his birthday, despite the late night. He opened presents and was entertaining as usual. He kept saying, "Look what I found!" every time he opened a present. It was pretty funny. I can't believe my baby is 3!!! Time needs to SLOW DOWN! Well, speed up and get him potty trained and then slow down again. Ryan is talkative, happy, loving, funny, curious, ornery (sometimes downright naughty). He is also a little stubborn - a trait he shares with his Dad and siblings! :-)
We also celebrated Kayley's birthday. She got to open her presents from my parents and brother this weekend. She gets the rest of her presents on her actual birthday. She was really excited about getting two birthday celebrations!
We took the kids to see Tomorrowland that afternoon. Ryan did awesome the entire time, but was starting to get tired and restless with about 10 minutes left in the movie so Mom took him out. Matt and I really liked the movie. I think Kayley was a little young for it, but Drew seemed to get it and like it, but it might have gotten a little long for them too.
The kids played with their presents when we got home and Ryan chose Casey's pizza for his birthday dinner. After pizza, we FaceTimed with Andy so he could watch Ryan and Kayley blow out their candles. After cake, we had another bonfire and another late night.
Grandpa and Kayley making bracelets |
Ryan was very excited this morning to get his first ride on the tractor with Grandpa.
Drew and I spent a lot of time playing catching and hitting baseballs. This crew was in charge of rounding up all of Drew's hits.
We grilled again tonight and the kids finished off the night with more cake.
We are heading home in the morning. The kids are torn. They don't want to leave, but they want to see their Dad too!