We took what is becoming our annual trip to Lake Okoboji over Labor Day weekend. We stay with some of my parent's best friends, Jim and Nancy, who live right on the lake (and right next to Arnold's Park, the amusement park). I have known Jim and Nancy since I was a little girl and Jim was my high school English teacher.
We broke up the drive a little and stopped at Mom and Dad's Friday night and drove the rest of the way Saturday morning. Saturday was HOT so we spent the day in the water.
On Saturday night, Nancy made us a fabulous dinner and then Mom and I took Drew and Kayley to an ice cream shop next to the park for their dessert. Once we got the kids to bed, Andy, Matt and I went down to the greenspace by the park for a concert. The band was the Arch Allies - a tribute band for Styx, Journey and REO. They were great!
When we got home, we found Drew like this:
He was tired from a long day in the water!
On Sunday morning, the boys went fishing and the girls went shopping. Matt caught this fish and had Drew hold it. He wasn't so sure about holding it. I am thinking he isn't a true fisherman!
We spent most of Sunday at Arnold's Park. The kids enjoyed riding the kiddie rides they ride every year, but Drew is definitely outgrowing them! He was a sport about it and rode on the ones Kayley wanted to ride on when we got into the park. Ryan went on a few rides, but didn't completely enjoy it!
Ryan is not loving the fish |
Or the boats! |
Kayley and Jim and Nancy's great granddaughter, Summer |
The boats aren't so bad after all |
He really liked the boats after his nap!
Kayley's favorite ride!
Matt and I kept asking Drew if he wanted to ride the big wooden rollercoaster (the Legend) with us. He wasn't so sure after riding the Tornado at Adventureland a few weeks ago! We went on it twice without him and you could tell he really wanted to go, but he was scared. Matt and I said we were going to ride one more time and that was it, he wanted to go. He was a little unsure when we started, but by the end, he loved it and it was hard to get him off of the ride the rest of the day and night!
I am excited that Drew is starting to ride big roller coasters, but it makes me kind of sad too. They are growing up so fast! Just last year, he and Kayley rode the kiddie rides together the entire time we were at the park. This time, once Drew had been on the Legend, Kayley was left to do the kiddie rides by herself, but she didn't seem to mind.
After we finally got the kids out of the park Sunday night, Andy and I drove over to his aunt and uncle's home, which is only a few minutes from where we were staying. It was fun to catch up with them.
We drove home on Monday morning. It was a long drive with three kids, but Ryan did great considering how long it was. We stopped in Cedar Falls and had lunch with some friends. We also bought a lot of UNI and Iowa gear while we were in town. Then we headed home. About 45 minutes from home, Ryan decided he was done with riding in the car! We were all happy to be home when we pulled into the driveway!