Andy, the kids and I had a great Christmas Eve and Christmas. The kids are at such a fun age for Christmas. The pure excitement they showed yesterday waiting for Santa was so fun to watch! They won't stay this little for long so we are trying to enjoy it while we can!
Kayley spent most of Christmas Eve day in the pajamas Macie brought for her.
Ryan spent a lot of time on the floor playing with his new toys.
I managed to get the kids together for a picture before we went to church for the Christmas Eve service.
This morning the kids were up bright and early, but we managed to hold them off until about 7:30. We had to wake Ryan and didn't want to wake him too early or we would all pay for it later. :-)
After we finished opening presents, we played all day with the kids and their new toys! It was fun, but exhausting at the same time! They didn't play with any one toy too long because they wanted to play with everything, but they definitely already have their favorite toys.
Ryan with Sophie the Giraffe |
He loved his hat! |
Kayley brought Ryan into her princess tent to play |
Drew counting out my change |
Kayley showing off her bitty
baby, purse and slippers |
Drew getting Dad with his new nerf gun |
Drew and his aircraft carrier |
Kayley made us dessert with her easy bake oven |
We need to talk to her about proper hygiene in the kitchen.
I found her band aid in the frosting bowl! Luckily, she
had a "hurt" finger that wasn't really hurt (no blood)
so I think we are ok, but this could still be gross! |
We finished the night off with twister |
Kayley is down
And Kayley is done! |
Merry Christmas!!